High School Subjects
Our expert tutors have extensive experience tutoring high school subjects including Advanced Placement courses in math, science, and humanities. Many of our tutors have taught the classes that they tutor and therefore have an intimate understanding of the materials. Click the box below to see what courses we tutor in and to schedule an appointment!
Grade K-8
Our tutors create an environment during each session that encourages students to learn and have fun at the same time. Click the box below to learn more information about what we offer for students in grades K–8!
Homework Spot
The Homework Spot is a drop–in tutoring service where students can come at any time during our operating hours. Our tutors have attended many of the local schools and taken the classes in which your student is currently enrolled. To get more information about the courses that we tutor at the Homework Spot, please click below!
We know that students have very busy schedules with extracurricular activities and therefore we offer online tutoring. Tutor from the comfort of your home, school, or as some students have already done, from other countries! Click below to find out more information!
Standardized Tests
We offer tutoring for the PSAT, SAT, ACT, HSPT, SSAT, and SAT Subject Tests as well as others! Click the link below for more information about our individual and group Standardized Test preparation and recommendations!
College Courses
We offer tutoring in college-level biology, chemistry, physics, algebra, calculus and other more specialized courses. Click the link below to get more information!
What Makes Disciplined Minds Unique?
More Than Just Tutoring
Tutoring is more about building confidence in the student than it is about content delivery. Many students we have tutored over the years simply lacked the confidence necessary for success. An increase in confidence and an unwavering belief in one’s abilities, helps students face the pressure of the competitive environment of college admissions and excel in this area. Nothing helps students build confidence faster than subject mastery and our tutors know how to cultivate that mastery in each student.
Over 60 Subjects & 10,000 Lessons A Year
The tutors of Disciplined Minds possess a passion for the success of their students that is unparalleled. Our tutors are dedicated to the betterment of our students’ lives and bring that dedication to every one of the 10,000 sessions we tutor each year. By offering over 60 different subjects, we provide every opportunity to best serve our students and their families. At Disciplined Minds, you will feel confident that your children are given the greatest chance for success.
Featuring The Homework Spot
At our Homework Spot, you will find the best high school student tutors in the Tampa Bay area. Our tutors have completed the same curricula at the same school at which your child is enrolled. They are familiar with the teachers, the projects, and the level of work expected. In addition, each of these high school students has been trained in tutoring and teaching techniques backed by scientific research.