Summer SAT Group Course 2023

Prepare for the August 26th SAT!

Course Details

Disciplined Minds Tutoring’s Summer SAT Group Course 2023 offers group SAT content in preparation for the August 26th SAT!


Enroll in 6 SAT Math classes and 6  SAT Reading + Writing classes that best fits your schedule!

To sign up for the full SAT Math and SAT R+W course, please schedule a total of 12 classes: SAT Math Class 1-6 and SAT R+W Class 1-6.


Classes cover all of the main topics on the SAT! Additional SAT Math Practice Sessions are a great opportunity to answer practice problems and ask questions.

Please sign up for these SAT Math Practice Sessions below!


It is recommended that students take a practice SAT exam at the beginning of the course and a post SAT exam at the end of the course.

Please sign up for a practice SAT by clicking here!

Enroll Here: SAT Math Group Course

To sign up for our SAT Math Practice Sessions or SAT R+W Group Course, please keep scrolling.

Step 1: Choose Class 1 – SAT Math under Subject dropdown menu.

Step 2: Choose date and time that works best for Class 1 – SAT Math.

Step 3: Confirm booking. Then choose Class 2-6 by clicking the “Book More” button and repeat process for each class.

Students must sign up for 6 classes of SAT Math in total but classes do not have to occur chronologically.


Enroll Here: SAT Math Practice Sessions

To sign up for our SAT Math Practice Sessions or SAT R+W Group Course, please keep scrolling.

Step 1: Choose SAT Math Practice Session under Subject dropdown menu.

Step 2: Choose the first date and time that works best for you.

Step 3: Confirm booking. Then sign up for more practice sessions by clicking the “Book More” button and repeat process.

Students may sign up for as many SAT Math Practice Sessions as they’d like!


Enroll Here: SAT R+W Group Course

To sign up for our SAT Math Practice Sessions or SAT Math Group Course, please scroll up.

Step 1: Choose Class 1 – SAT R+W under Subject dropdown menu.

Step 2: Choose date and time that works best for Class 1 – SAT R+W.

Step 3: Confirm booking. Then choose Class 2-6 by clicking the “Book More” button and repeat process for each class.

Students must sign up for 6 classes of SAT R+W in total but classes do not have to occur chronologically.


Summer SAT Group Course 2023 - Calendar

Preparation for: 8/26/23 SAT

Please click the image below to view our full course calendar!


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